
Just do it

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Sometimes in life you’ve just got to jump in at the deep end, knowing that you’re either going to sink or swim. You just can’t afford to wait or think over things the longest of times, hoping that the answer will suddenly hit you at the right time. Wake up. We are living in a fast paced world where making the most value of the minimal time we have is everything.

We need to make life-changing decisions and act upon them fast, before the opportunity passes or before someone else jumps at the very thing before we do.

As women, we tend to procrastinate a lot and therefore cause our personal productivity to suffer in the process. Not surprisingly, we often have a lot of creative reasons for putting our priorities in the back burner. We blame it on the children, our husbands, our relatives, our jobs, our finances when we are actually the problem!

How many times have you, for example, told yourself that you would apply for that promotion later, only to beat yourself up a day after the deadline when you realise that you never wrote the letter? How many times have you put off preparing for that major presentation at the office? How many times have you told yourself that you would put your brilliant business idea into action as soon as the kids were a little older and then been baffled when someone else became successful doing the exact same thing? How many times have you procrastinated about starting a solid savings or investing in something?

Someone once said procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried and I agree. Sometimes we question, mull over and put off something for so long, the opportunity simply slips away, and we are left gasping in wake, thinking of what could have been if we had just jumped in and did what was required of us.

Think of it in this way; if a fireman procrastinated about going into a burning building to save a child, or if a policeman drove 55 mph to the scene of an accident, it could mean the difference between life and death.

So, take a lesson from Nike and ‘Just Do It’ because procrastination never won a race, never received a promotion or changed the outcome of any situation!

Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the “some day I’ll” philosophy.”

—Denis Waitley

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